Read The World Sixteen Crucified Saviours Christianity Before Christ
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Kersey Graves' groundbreaking treatise, arguing against the existence of Jesus Christ with the citation of fifteen precedents with striking similarities, remains popular and controversial to this day. Published in 1875, Graves' thesis was among the most divisive of its time. Already rocked by the newly-published theory of evolutionary science, which directly contradicted the Biblical telling of man's creation, the Christian church found itself further assailed by skeptics who doubted the very existence of Jesus Christ. Kelsey Graves authored the most comprehensive criticism of the time, compiling from existing chronicles this thesis: that the genesis of Christianity existed before Christ himself. The central notion put forth in this book is that there were a total of sixteen crucified individuals from a variety of different ancient belief systems, all of whom provided a model for Jesus Christ. Their birth dates, events in their lives, sentiments which they voiced, miracles which they performed, and of course the circumstances of their death bear great resemblance to the Jesus Christ of the Christian gospels. Thus, Christ as we know him was a heavily derivative product of millennia of religious thought, rather than a credible and distinct figure in his own right. Although not without flaws - Graves is patchy in citing the dates and publication details of his sources - The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviours is an effective summary and expansion of investigations which had ensued on the subject of God-men prophets offering salvation. Formerly a minister himself, Graves' disillusion with Christian doctrine led him to pursue free thought, wherein he promoted an atheistic view based upon gathered, credible evidence. The tone of this book is frequently impassioned. Although the subjects are scholarly and even obscure in places, the conviction and liveliness with which Graves approaches this subject serve to make passionate what might otherwise be difficult or arduous reading. Famous Peoples Religious Quotes - bibliotecapleyadesnet Famous Peoples Religious Quotes from ReligionExposed Website Religion is the opiate of the people Karl Marx If Christ were here now there is one thing he 10 Christ-like Figures Who Pre-Date Jesus - Listverse 10 Christ-like Figures who pre-date Jesus^10 Christ-like Figures who pre-date Jesus^I recently watched the documentary Zeitgeist (Part 1) as well as Bill The God Who Wasn't There - Top Documentary Films The Christ paradigm has existed long before historical Jesus' supposed time on the Earth Do the research! You already should know about the 16 crucifies saviors that Evidence for Jesus and Parallel Pagan "Crucified Saviors Pagan Parallel "Saviors" Examined Adonis Attis Baal Bacchus Balder Beddru Devatat Dionysos Hermes Horus Krishna Mithras Orpheus Osiris Was Jesus a Copy of Horus Mithras Krishna Dionysus and You are here: Home / Bible Study / Was Jesus a Copy of Horus Mithras Krishna Dionysus and Other Pagan Gods? Was Christianity plagiarized from pagan myths? - creationcom For the record I came accross that Kersey Graves book in NZ in debates with sceptics a little while before I had joined CMI and heard of Tekton Opinion - The Telegraph The best opinions comments and analysis from The Telegraph The Jesus Parallels - jesusgranskadse The Jesus Parallels (1st edition 2007) by Roger Viklund Ume Sweden The present essay is principally a translation of one chapter out of 30 from my book written The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors - Inicio by Kersey Graves from NewAgePointToInfinity Website Rival Claims of The Saviors It is claimed by the disciples of Jesus Christ that he was of supernatural and The Diegesis - Being Origins and Evidences of Christianity the diegesis; being a discovery of the origin evidences and early history of christianity never yet before or elsewhere so fully and faithfully set forth
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